Pole cum Tree Climber

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Mustaq Ahmed Dar
Pole cum Tree Climber

Mustaq Ahmed Dar of Anantnag (Jammu & Kashmir) devised Pole cum tree climber for climbing up trees/poles (including electric poles) and for maintenance of trees having trunks without branch. It is relatively simple in construction, portable, easily assembled or dismantled for convenient use and permits the user to climb primarily by using the legs. It consists of metal/wooden blocks having foot platform, belt (alternatively tension wire/rope can also be used) for wrapping around the tree/pole. The device/unit locks around the stem of the tree through the belt due to weight of user. User needs to transfer his weight from one set to another (fixed with either leg) while climbing up and can move up easily regardless the height of the tree/pole. One can take rest as and when desired. This product was introduced in the market in the year 2006.