largest Miniature Book Collection

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Nikunj Vagadia
Nikunj Vagadia

Nikunj Vagadia, a teacher from Rajkot, Gujarat has been collecting unique and glorious ‘Miniature Books’ representing the cultural heritage of different countries since 1988.  The collection contains 258 ‘Miniature Books of World’s Most Famous Titles’- whose collection ranges between astonishing 19 x 27 mm to 47 x 55 mm only and has been put in 17 different categories. This unique collection also contains world’s smallest autobiography of ‘The Great Mahatma Gandhi’, plated with 24-C Gold Plates, fabulous biographies of historical personalities like Alfred Nobel, Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Jesus Christ and the world’s most famous plays of Shakespeare like Macbeth, Othello and Julius Ceaser